Shimo app
Shimo app

shimo app

The translator received numbers of letters from bishops, priests and laypeople from a great variety of Churches in Sweden that it was used and appreciated outside the Syrian Orthodox community. The app is constructed on the same Swedish translation that was published in 2016. The goal with this translation is to make the spiritual treasure of Shimo accessible for all those who are interested and especially for the youth of the Syrian Orthodox Church in Sweden. The texts in this app are both in Syriac (Western Aramaic) and Swedish version. The prayers are designed in a poetic style and sung according to the different tone systems and hymns that exists in the Syrian Orthodox Church today. The earliest manuscripts are from 12th-14th centuries and is today in Jerusalem. Shimo has developed during the whole history of the Church. It contains seven different prayer times and the app is developed so that when you open it, the prayer time of the hour your are in will appear. Shimo is the prayerbook of the Syrian Orthodox Church for weekdays. Förhoppningen är att appen ska göra den än mer tillgänglig för alla. Översättaren fick mängder av brev från biskopar, präster och lekfolk ifrån alla möjliga Kyrkor i Sverige att det användes och uppskattades mycket också utanför den Syrisk Ortodoxa gemenskapen. Appen bygger på samma översättning som 2016 trycktes i bokform. Målet med översättning är att göra böneskatten tillgänglig för alla som är intresserade och fr a för den Syrisk Ortodoxa Kyrkans ungdom i Sverige. Texterna finns i både Syrisk (Väst-arameisk) och Svensk version. Bönerna är utformade på ett poetiskt vis och sjungs utifrån de olika tonsystemen och hymnerna som finns i den Syrisk Ortodoxa Kyrkan idag. De tidigaste manuskripten är från 11-1300 talet och finns i Jerusalem. Shimo har utvecklats under hela Kyrkans historia. Den innehåller sju olika bönetider och appen är utvecklad så att när du öppnar den kommer den bönetid som du befinner dig i fram.


For unlimited streaming and mirroring, PRO version is available via in-app purchase for $9.99 as an auto-renewable subscription.Shimo är den Syrisk Ortodoxa Kyrkans bönbok för veckodagarna.


*Choose the output quality: Auto / Full HD (1080p) / HD (720p).įree version offers you 20 minutes of uninterrupted streaming and mirroring. *Decide whether to capture the movement of a mouse cursor. It supports all major VPN protocols and provides awesome automation features for those who regularly use VPN connections. *Choose which screen (or connected monitor) will be displayed on TV. Shimo is the swiss-army knife when it comes to VPN connections on the Mac. JustStream works with pretty much any brand including Samsung, Roku, LG, Sony, Panasonic and a huge number of other DLNA-certified devices.


Your Mac or MacBook screen can be easily mirrored to Smart TV, Apple TV or Chromecast device. Mirror Mac screen & audio on TV, Chromecast & AppleTV The app is neatly tucked away in the menu bar only to be easily accessed exactly when you need it. With JustStream you can resume your video or audio from where playback was stopped at any time. JustStream will effortlessly pick up both external and embedded soundtracks while streaming. **Supports both external and embedded audio** You can have hundreds of MP3 files or hundreds of short videos - JustStream lets you organize them in playlists and stream them on TV for your unlimited entertainment. When streaming to Chromecast & Chromecast Ultra you can also change subtitle font, size and color.Ĭreate playlists that you can stream non-stop, no matter how large they are. Thanks to the full native M1 support on Apple Silicon Macs video conversion is much lighter on the CPU.ĭoesn't matter if the subtitles your video comes with are external or embedded - JustStream features an advanced support for multiple subtitle formats. No need to search the web for conversion options and wait for hours - JustStream will smoothly run the conversion while you are already enjoying your content.


The greatest thing about JustStream is that even if your movie format is not supported by a device you are streaming it to, the app can convert it on the fly. JustStream can work with pretty much any media file type, including the popular AVI, FLV, MKV, 3GP, MP4, MKV, MOV, AVI, WMV, MP3, WAV. **Supports a huge variety of video formats** You can stream your video to TV and enjoy it on a big screen without any need of wires or cables or any additional hardware. JustStream is a great app that can mirror display on Mac to TV, mirror Mac to Chromecast, mirror Mac to Apple TV, and so on.

Shimo app